NPO Announcement – our response

Posted on: 7th November 2022

Along with arts organisations all over England, Fuel received the outcome of our Arts Council England NPO application on Friday. For us this will be a continuation of funding at standstill from 2023-2026. In the context of significant and challenging cuts, particularly in London where we are technically based (even though our work happens nationally and internationally), we are relieved to have retained this grant.

We entered the NPO portfolio with a grant of £201,500 in 2012: this grant would need to have increased to £259,622 to keep up with inflation alone across this 10 year period.

Given the scale of our programme of activity, the breadth of our reach, the depth of our impact, and our track record of innovation, quality and inclusion, and given the increases in costs which we’re experiencing across every area, and the ongoing economic challenges affecting earned and raised income alike, standstill funding from Arts Council leaves us very much in need of support from other sources.

For more on our fundraising plans, see more info about our campaign for The Big Give here.

You can find out ways of supporting Fuel here