The Simple Things in Life

Produced by
15 Jul - 14 Sep 2014

Project History

Fuel presents The Simple Things in Life

A quiet and gentle haven in the hubbub of our busy lives, The Simple Things in Life was a series of five installations from five different artists created in garden sheds offering short experiences to celebrate the simple things in life.


Herald Angel Award Winner 2011 

Funded by Arts Council England. 

More Information 

The Scotsman chose The Simple Things in Life as one of the Edinburgh Fringe highlights. 

The Simple Things in Life was highlighted in The Guardian, Spoonfed, and The List’s top theatre picks! Follow the links to read more. 

Artists talk about their sheds at Latitude Festival 

We asked a few of the artists we’re working with on The Simple Things in Life to talk about their creations and tell us a bit about how they enjoyed Latitude. Hear what Chris Branch of The London Snorkelling Team, Lewis Gibson and Barnaby Stone had to say here:

Chris Branch of The London Snorkelling Team talks about their shedThe 2011 Annual Science Demonstration, and Space Fête.  

Lewis Gibson shows us around his shed, Lost in Words.  

Barnaby Stone gives us an insight into his shed, Yes, but it’s complicated. 

"***** Each shed is a treat in itself: cumulatively, they foster something of the wonderment that floats through childhood days of first discoveries."

The Herald 

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