Dr. Sandra Romero-Hidalgo
Dr. Sandra Romero-Hidalgo
Performance Artist
Raquel André
Raquel André
National Arts Partnership Manager at the Wellcome Trust
David Cahill Roots
David Cahill Roots
7 Jun - 30 Nov 2021
7 Jun - 30 Nov 2021
Making Belongingness. Creating a science-led artistic project
Scientist Dr. Sandra Romero-Hidalgo, performance artist Raquel André and National Arts Partnership Manager at the Wellcome Trust, David Cahill Roots discuss making Belongingness – a global conversation about how we identify with each other and what they might tell us about ourselves. Putting themselves under the microscope, Raquel and Sandra used their genetic ancestry test results to explore what it might mean to belong.
You can visit the Belongingness website here.
This event is a part of The Lab Talks. To find out more about The Lab – Fuel’s science-led producing art platform, click here.