Devised and performed by
Marisa Carnesky
Marisa Carnesky
Written by
Robert Greene and Marisa Carnesky
Robert Greene and Marisa Carnesky
Directed by
Helen Eastman
Helen Eastman
Sound and Images arranged by
Mark Weber
Mark Weber
27 - 29 Jul 2006
27 - 29 Jul 2006
Marisa Carnesky
Marisa Carnesky
Fuel presents Magic War
Magic War explored themes of war, strategy, and deception through a script, gory magical illusions, old fashioned ladylike mime and Victoriana burlesque parody.
Olivier award-winning show woman and raconteur Marisa Carnesky (Carnesky’s Ghost Train, C’est Barbican and Jewess Tattoos) presented an evening of sneak previews of new writing and performances that were in development for her new one woman show.
Audience members were asked to volunteer and to join the temple of the Cult of Athena. Fuel produced the development phases of Magic War, which then went on to a full show which ran at Soho Theatre in 2007.
Development produced by Fuel
27/07/2006 - 29/07/2006
New Original Works Festival
Los Angeles, California, USA
Spice Festival